SKINNY Spaghetti

Picture 2Squash instead of Pasta… kimberly, you have gone ‘mad’! You know, some of you will never try this, because it “sounds odd”. Think of all the adventures you would miss because you weren’t sure? Food is an adventure, full of new taste and millions of combinations. I have not thrown out my pasta. I will have regular spaghetti, but I will also enjoy a “skinny” version on many occasions. This is the kind of recipe that that is quick… and does not leave you feeling “bloated”, yet you know you can get a plate FULL. 

Spaghetti Squash… called that, because of it’s stringy shape. Not stringy texture though. My husband (with a “hey thats not so bad” look on his face) said, “It’s texture is like a cooked potato”… very true.

I have made fresh sauces and I have popped open a jar from the store when in a hurry. One of my favorite ways is a simple Olive oil, Cherry Tomato, basil, garlic and salt. Either way, a topping of salty, Parmesan cheese gives it that bit of comfort.

On a separate note…

This weekend I watched the FOOD Network’s “Waste in America”… it was HEARTBREAKING! You know since eating organic and seeing the prices higher, I respect & appreciate it better. I am less likely to let it go bad and have to throw it out. I have found that sticking to what I have and eating it up, before going out on whims… has saved a lot of money. That allows me to buy some “nicer” items. Funny how “nicer” equals “healthier” equals “more expensive”. Yet still, not wasting will help big in the budget department.

I would love to see us here locally do more to help, to NOT waste and SHARE. I have already heard from some of you on this- so lets toss ideas around… and do what ever we can.

Aside from this cooking vlog, I do have a “real job”… this is just hobby. I host TV Shows for a CBS Affiliate. One of my viewers was commenting with me on line about food and shared his BLOG with me. I told him, I’d share it with you guys:   



Have a great week and please comment below, here on my page and share with a friend!


~kimberly kelly 



About kimberly kelly

I have been in media my whole life, a decade of Morning Radio Shows & a decade of Hosting Television Shows both cable & affiliate. Food is a passion & after sharing this BLOG with viewers... it kinda' grew a life of it's own. Nothing fancy t's just me - sharing what generation(s) in my family & friends & those in travels along the way shared. Food is an expression of ones self and a humble offering to loved ones. One of the best expressions of love. You get "One Trip"... skimp on the material things in life, food is your lifeline though -never skimp on your food! Food can be a positive affect on your health, but also the power to make one feel love. I hope I can show you some of both. Growing & cooking outdoors, is a reminder where our food should come... the ground & not just a shelf.
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4 Responses to SKINNY Spaghetti

  1. Paloma says:

    ahhh unfortunately when i’ll atpmett to recreate this dish i might end up butchering it Being muslim I can not eat ham or pork, so ill try a turkey substitute. Or maybe a beef sausage?I’ve made butternut squash ravioli and i must say i dont fancy the taste of butternut squash one bit :/ so I might just try substituting garbanzo beans for the squash. Any tips or ideas?

  2. mary says:

    Is it actually called a
    “spaghetti squash?” There are
    so many varieties. Just want to
    make sure i’m looking for the right
    label. thanx

    this looks so good

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